Google Mobile Ads
This guide shows you how to integrate our BlueStack mediation adapter of Google Mobile Ads SDK with your current Android app and set up additional request parameters.
Release notes can be found here
Supported ad formats
- Banners
- Interstitials
- Native Ads
- Rewarded Ads
- Android SDK 4.4 (API level 19) or later
- Google Play services 21.1.0 or later
Google Ad Manager UI
The custom event must be defined in the Google Ad Manager UI.
1. Create a Yield groups
- Create an Ad Network
- Click
Admin > Companies
- Select
Ad network
fromNew company
option. - Create a Company with Madvertise Ad-Network name
- Choose Appsfire network
- Allow mediation
2. Add a Yield Group
- Click
Delivery > Yield groups
- Click
New yield group
- Choose a name
- Choose a format (You must create a Yield Group by format)
- Choose at least one size according format
- Target a specific placement
3. Add A Yield Partner and Define a custom event
On your Google Ad Manager UI, create a custom event
- Click
Delivery > Yield groups
- Select the
Yield group
you have created on Step 2 - Click
Add yield partner
- Select Madvertise Ad-Network created on Step 1
- Choose Custom Event for Integration type
- Choose your platform iOS or Android
- Set the following Label, class Name and Parameter according your format :
- Banner : Label= GADBlueStackMediationAdapter, class Name= com.madvertise.GADBlueStackMediationAdapter and Parameter= /YOUR_APP_ID/PLACEMENT_ID_BANNER
- Interstitial : Label= GADBlueStackMediationAdapter, class Name= com.madvertise.GADBlueStackMediationAdapter and Parameter= /YOUR_APP_ID/PLACEMENT_ID_INTER
- Native Ad : Label= GADBlueStackMediationAdapter, class Name= com.madvertise.GADBlueStackMediationAdapter and Parameter= /YOUR_APP_ID/PLACEMENT_ID_NATIVEAD
- Rewarded Ad : Label= GADBlueStackMediationAdapter, class Name= com.madvertise.GADBlueStackMediationAdapter and Parameter= /YOUR_APP_ID/PLACEMENT_ID_REWARDEDAD
Integrate MNGAds in your application project
1. Set Up
a. Our Adapter
In the main build.gradle of your project, you must declare the Bluestack repository:
allprojects {
repositories {
In the build.gradle of to your application module, you can now import the Bluestack Google Adapter SDK by declaring it in the dependencies section:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.azerion:bluestack-sdk-core:5.0.2'
implementation 'com.azerion:bluestack-gam-adapter:'
b. Initialize the BlueStack Core SDK
See the Set Up Sdk Section
c. Bluestack Mediation
See the Mediation Partners
2. Initialize your ads
You can check our Demo page.
2.1 Banner and Interstitial
No additional code is required for integration.
You may now use MNG DFP Adapter to show Interstitial Ads and Banner Ads the same way it's described in the DFP Documentation.The adapter code and the setup you did on your Google Ad Manager UI will allow MNG Ads to deliver ads.
2.2 Native Ads
Assumes that your ad layout is in a file call ad_unit_dfp.xml for exemple in the res/layout folder.
Assumes you have a MAdvertiseNativeContainer in your View layout where the ad is to be placed.
- The following code demonstrates how to build an AdLoader that can load native ads:
AdLoader adLoader = new AdLoader.Builder(context, "YOUR PLACEMENT ID")
.forNativeAd(nativeAd -> {
// This method sets the text, images and the native ad, etc into the ad view.
NativeAdView mAdView = (NativeAdView) getLayoutInflater()
.inflate(R.layout.ad_native, null);
displayNativeAd(nativeAd, mAdView);
.withAdListener(new AdListener() {
public void onAdFailedToLoad(@NotNull LoadAdError errorCode) {
// Handle the failure by logging, altering the UI...
AdManagerAdRequest.Builder adRequestBuilder = new AdManagerAdRequest.Builder();
adRequestBuilder.addNetworkExtrasBundle(GADBlueStackMediationAdapter.class, getExtrasData());
- Once you have loaded an ad, all that remains is to display it to your users.
private void displayNativeAd(NativeAd nativeAd, NativeAdView nativeAdView) {
/* Display Texts Ad */
// Locate the text view
TextView nativeAdTitle = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
TextView nativeAdContext = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
TextView nativeAdCallToAction = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
// Set its text
// Register it
/* Display Icon Ad */
if (nativeAd.getIcon().getUri() != null && !nativeAd.getIcon().getUri().toString().isEmpty()) {
.into((ImageView) nativeAdView.findViewById(;
/* Display Media Ad */
if (nativeAd.getImages().size() > 0 && nativeAd.getImages().get(0) != null ) {
.into((ImageView) nativeAdView.findViewById(;
// Register the NativeAdObject.
// Ensure that the parent view doesn't already contain an ad view and place the AdView into the parent.
2.3 Rewarded Ads
- The following code demonstrates how to load a rewarded ad:
AdManagerAdRequest.Builder adRequestBuilder = new AdManagerAdRequest.Builder();
adRequestBuilder.addNetworkExtrasBundle(GADBlueStackMediationAdapter.class, getExtrasData());
RewardedAd.load(context, DFP_REWARDED_AD_UNIT,, new RewardedAdLoadCallback() {
void onAdLoaded(RewardedAd rewarded) {
rewarded.fullScreenContentCallback = new FullScreenContentCallback(){
void onAdFailedToShowFullScreenContent(AdError adError) {
// Handle the failure by logging, altering the UI...
void onAdFailedToLoad(LoadAdError error) {
// Handle the failure by logging, altering the UI...
- Once you have loaded an ad, all that remains is to display it to your users.
private void displayRewardedAd(){, new OnUserEarnedRewardListener(){
void onUserEarnedReward(RewardItem var1){
3. Custom targeting / Keywords
If you need to send your custom key-value pairs. You can specify key-value-targeting and keywords information in the ad request as follows:
AdManagerAdRequest request = new AdManagerAdRequest.Builder()
.addCustomTargeting("key1", "value1")
.addCustomTargeting("key2", "value2")
and you must send your custom key-value pairs also as follows:
1- Create a bundle of the extras :
Bundle extras = new Bundle();
2- Add the extras to the addNetworkExtrasBundle() method as follows:
AdManagerAdRequest adRequest = new AdManagerAdRequest.Builder();
The GADBlueStackMediationAdapter value corresponds to custom event adapter class name.