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Ad Request API Documentation

The API accepts simple GET OR POST requests, with optional / required parameters in the query string portion of the URL. The parameters must be encoded as name/value pairs using the standard HTTP URL-encoding principles.

Response format

The response format for all requests is a JSON object.

Whether a request succeeded is indicated by the HTTP status code. A 2xx status code indicates success, whereas a 4xx status code indicates failure.

Ad-Request URL

All API access is over HTTPS or HTTP, you'll need to issue a HTTP GET or POST Request to the following URL:[requiredandoptionalkeyvaluepairs]

Ad-Request Parameters

Parameter nameRequired?FormatDescription
rtYesstring, api_mediation or appsfire-v2-apiappsfire-v2-api for nativead only (app install)
uYesstring, URL-encoded User AgentPass the url-encoded User Agent of the requesting device in this parameter. e.g. &u=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28iPhone%3B+U%3B+C.
sYesstringZone code. This parameter should be the unique Publisher ID of your mobile application or website.
iYes for rt=api , rt=appsfire-v2-api, api_mediation onlystringuse api_mediation for S2S mediation, api for use Madvertise adserving only or appsfire-v2-api in order to use appsfire only
vYesstringVersion of the client sdk. For logging purpose in the web server logs
c_mraidNo0/1Specify whether your mobile site / app is able to show MRAID ad responses.
c_vastNo0/2Specify whether your mobile site / app is able to show VAST2 or VAST3 ad responses. API can return vastinline with c_vast=2 and only external url for c_vast=1
o[idfa]NostringId(s) of the device / user. iOS
o[andadvid]NostringGoogle Advertising ID
o[ip]Nostringalias of i parameter
latYes, if availableDecimalThe Users Geo-Location (latitude in degrees WGS84).
lonYes, if availableDecimalThe Users Geo-Location (longitude in degrees WGS84).
connection_typeNostringConnection type. One of those values UNKNOWN, WIFI, 3G, 4G
seenad[adid1]NoInteger for key, Timestamp for valueUse for capping, this array contains ads seen with associated timestamp. &seenad[adid1]=timestamp1 &seenad[adid2]=timestamp2 Each adid is available response of Ad request
genderNostring, M/FGender of the user. M for male, F for female.
ageNoIntegerThe user's age, if available
zipNoStringThe user's zip code, if available
jsvarYes if rt=javascriptStringThe name of javascript variable, Ad is returned in this variable in order to inject the code on publisher mobile site.
wNointegerDThe Width of your Ad Space. This is also the maximum banner size that our servers will return. Useless for appsfire nativead
hNointegerThe Height of your Ad Space. This is also the maximum banner size that our servers will return. Useless for appsfire nativead
carrierNoStringCarrier name of mobile end-user
appNameNostringName of app where SDK in used
bundleIdNostringpackageName for android and ituneId for IOS
localeNostringlanguage code used on phone (e.g fr)
accept_retargetingYes for rt=android_app_json or ios_app_jsonintdefault value is 1, it must be set to 0 if the user has limited ad tracking ( Google AdvertisingIdClient) or IOS advertisingTrackingEnabled
osVersionNostringversion of OS e.g 9.1
tgtNourlencoded stringKeyword targeting allows you to display ads only when specific keywords or key/value pairs are passed in the ad request e.g adobeSegmentId%3D1%3Bcat%3Ddemo for adobeSegmentId=1;cat=demo
c_videoNo0/1Specify whether your mobile site / app is able to show video
gdpryes0/10: not in GDPR scope or 1: in GDPR scope
consent[0][format]=yesIABWe manage IAB consentString only
consent[0][value]yesBONlRnIONlRnIAAABAENAAAAAAAAoAAEncoded consent String IAB spec



Interstitial Image Ad

"type": "interstitial",
"format": "image",
"mraid": false,
"vast": false,
"content": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\"><style>* { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);} img {width:100%} body {margin: 0; padding: 0}</style></head><body style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\"><a id=\"mAdserveAdLink\" href=\"[andadvid]=41c7fa2a-e967-46fd-9520-9869d4a10c9d\" target=\"_self\"><img id=\"mAdserveAdImage\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" style=\"width:100%;max-width:360px;height: 592px;\"/></a></body></html>",
"contentUrl": "",
"clickurl": "[andadvid]=41c7fa2a-e967-46fd-9520-9869d4a10c9d",
"impurl": [
"impscript": [
"<img src=\"http:\/\/\/cgi-bin\/m?ci=nlsnci535&am=3&at=view&rt=banner&st=image&ca=nlsn13134&cr=crtve&pc=madvertise_plc0001&ce=madvertise&r=[timestamp]\" style=\"display:none\"\/> "
"refresh": "0",
"clicktype": "inapp",
"preload": 0,
"autoclose": 0,
"adid": "169",
"tagline": null,
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"adspaceWidth": "768",
"adspaceHeight": "1024",
"orientation": "portrait",
"closePosition": "top-right",
"closeAppearanceDelay": "0",
"duration": "0",
"animation": "none"

Interstitial Html Ad

"type": "interstitial",
"format": "html",
"mraid": false,
"vast": false,
"content": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\"><style>* { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);} img {width:100%} body {margin: 0; padding: 0}</style></head><body style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\"><div style=\"width:100%;max-width:360px;height: 592px;\"><!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <title>Demo</title>\r\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge,chrome=1\">\r\n <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Demo project\">\r\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">\r\n <style type=\"text/css\"></style>\r\n </head>\r\n <body>\r\n <table>\r\n<thead>\r\n<tr>\r\n<th><strong>Macro</strong></th>\r\n<th><strong>Description</strong></th>\r\n</tr>\r\n</thead>\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:click</td>\r\n<td>our click url</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:deviceid</td>\r\n<td>Id(s) of the device / user. iOS or Google Advertising ID</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:userlat</td>\r\n<td>The Users Geo-Location (latitude in degrees WGS84).</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:userlon</td>\r\n<td>The Users Geo-Location (longitude in degrees WGS84).</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:adid</td>\r\n<td>Creative ID (identifier for your banner id associated to the click id)</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:locale</td>\r\n<td>anguage code used on phone (e.g fr)</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:os</td>\r\n<td>OS of user</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:osVersion</td>\r\n<td>version of OS e.g 9.1</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>mngads:bundleId</td>\r\n<td>packageName for android and ituneId for IOS</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n </body>\r\n <script type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\r\n</html></div></body></html>",
"contentUrl": "",
"clickurl": "[andadvid]=41c7fa2a-e967-46fd-9520-9869d4a10c9d",
"impurl": [
"impscript": [
"<img src=\"http:\/\/\/cgi-bin\/m?ci=nlsnci535&am=3&at=view&rt=banner&st=image&ca=nlsn13134&cr=crtve&pc=madvertise_plc0001&ce=madvertise&r=[timestamp]\" style=\"display:none\"\/> "
"refresh": "0",
"clicktype": "inapp",
"preload": 0,
"autoclose": 0,
"adid": "250",
"tagline": null,
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"adspaceWidth": "0",
"adspaceHeight": "0",
"orientation": "portrait",
"closePosition": "top-right",
"closeAppearanceDelay": "0",
"duration": "0",
"animation": "none"

Interstitial VAST video

For inline VAST contentUrl is empty and xml VAST available on content

type: "interstitial",
format: "vast",
mraid: false,
content: "",
contentUrl: "",
clickurl: "",
impurl: [
"impscript": [
refresh: "0",
clicktype: "inapp",
preload: 0,
autoclose: 0,
adid: "4293",
publisherid: "3180317",
tagline: null,
background: "#FFFFFF",
adspaceWidth: "0",
adspaceHeight: "0",
"adchoiceposition": "top-right",
"orientation": "portrait",
"closePosition": "top-right",
"closeAppearanceDelay": "0",
"duration": "0",
"videosettings": {
"autoplay": 1,
"audio": "muted",
"blur": 1,
"radius": "15",
"opacity": "0"


"type": "banner",
"format": "image",
"mraid": false,
"vast": false,
"content": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\"><style>* { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);} img {width:100%} body {margin: 0; padding: 0}</style></head><body style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\"><a id=\"mAdserveAdLink\" href=\"[andadvid]=41c7fa2a-e967-46fd-9520-9869d4a10c9d\" target=\"_self\"><img id=\"mAdserveAdImage\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" style=\"width:100%;max-width:360px;height: 592px;\"/></a></body></html>",
"contentUrl": "",
"clickurl": "[andadvid]=41c7fa2a-e967-46fd-9520-9869d4a10c9d",
"impurl": [
"<img src=\"http:\/\/\/cgi-bin\/m?ci=nlsnci535&am=3&at=view&rt=banner&st=image&ca=nlsn13134&cr=crtve&pc=madvertise_plc0001&ce=madvertise&r=[timestamp]\" style=\"display:none\"\/> "
"refresh": "0",
"clicktype": "inapp",
"preload": 0,
"autoclose": 0,
"adid": "1308",
"tagline": null,
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"adspaceWidth": "320",
"adspaceHeight": "50"
"type": "banner",
"format": "html",
"mraid": false,
"vast": false,
"content": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\"><style>* { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);} img {width:100%} body {margin: 0; padding: 0}</style></head><body style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\"><div style=\"width:100%;max-width:360px;height: 592px;\"><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script></div></body></html>",
"contentUrl": "",
"clickurl": "[andadvid]=41c7fa2a-e967-46fd-9520-9869d4a10c9d",
"impurl": [
"refresh": "0",
"clicktype": "inapp",
"preload": 0,
"autoclose": 0,
"adid": "1959",
"tagline": null,
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"adspaceWidth": "0",
"adspaceHeight": "0"

appsfire NativeAd


"title":"Star Wars\u2122: Galaxy of Heroes",
"description":"May the force be with you!",
"categoryid":"JEUX DE R\u00f4LES",
"category":"Jeux de r\u00f4les",

"publisherid": "3180317",
"autoplay": 0,
"videoUrls": [

No ad available

When there is no ad available for your ad-request, the following JSON is returned:

error: "No available ad"

Appsfire direct clickurl

We can provide an appsfire clickurl. This url is used to run a specific appsfire campaign without ad-request API call. This url can be used as:

Parameter nameRequired?FormatDescription
sYesstringZone code. This parameter should be the unique Publisher ID of your
adidYesintAdunit ID. This parameter is provided by mng/appsfire team per campaign
o[idfa]NostringId(s) of the device / user. iOS
o[andadvid]NostringGoogle Advertising ID
arg1Custom Value 1stringe.g clicid={arg1} if you need to retrieve your clickid
arg2Custom Value 2string
arg3Custom Value 3stringin most case we use to store your publisherId (sub publisherId for us)
arg4Custom Value 4stringin most case we use to store your publisherId (sub sub publisherId for us)
arg5Custom Value 5string
arg6Custom Value 6string
arg7Custom Value 7string
arg8Custom Value 8string
arg9Custom Value 9string
arg10Custom Value 10string[andadvid]=4908b7b8-&arg1={YOUR_CLICKID}&arg2={YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUE}&arg3={YOUR_PUBLISHERID}&arg4={YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUE}

Appsfire impression url

Impression pixel redirect URL for S2S connected sources that contains parameters similar to appsfireclicks[andadvid]=4908b7b8-&arg1={YOUR_CLICKID}&arg2={YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUE}&arg3={YOUR_PUBLISHERID}&arg4={YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUE}

Postback Settings

If you want to be notified when conversion occurs fill the URL of your server that our system should call.{arg1}&campaign={arg2}&revenu={price}

Available params for postback url are:

{unixtimestamp}Number of seconds since the epoch1457427080
{idfa}IDFA (Identifier for advertising - iOS)4C8A85C6-AEEE-425B-9DBA-B02C1A9CAB55
{andadvid}GAID (Google Advertising ID - Android)732503e0-f8df-498b-b9a9-0cbce96394ec
{ip}DEVICE IP (IP address of the device)
{device}Device (Device model)iPhone 6
{mngadsclickid}CLICK ID (Internal unique click ID)1446566252X5388...cc4bbe9f50fa
{appid}the application id as it appears in Google play or App store543864084 or
{price}revenue generated by postback for you3.10
{arg1}Custom Value 1 added on clickurle.g clicid={arg1} if you need to retrieve your clickid
{arg2}Custom Value 2 added on clickurl
{arg3}Custom Value 3 added on clickurl
{arg4}Custom Value 4 added on clickurl
{arg5}Custom Value 5 added on clickurl
{arg6}Custom Value 6 added on clickurl
{arg7}Custom Value 7 added on clickurl
{arg8}Custom Value 8 added on clickurl
{arg9}Custom Value 9 added on clickurl
{arg10}Custom Value 10 added on clickurl

If you need clicid={arg1} on your postback url, you must add on clickurl from ad-request[andadvid]=4908b7b8-08aa-4a08-8003-031c2d7f1ae9&arg1={yourclickid}