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Version: 5.x.x


This document answers the following frequently asked questions:

If your app uses Proguard, you must edit your Proguard settings to avoid stripping Google Play out of your app

If your app uses Proguard, you must edit your Proguard settings to avoid stripping Google Play out of your app. Edit your project’s proguard-project.txt file to add the following: [] (

Interstitial did load callback without display

You must use an instance per activity.

Some AdNetworks show their interstitials on top of an Activity layout and then disappear. Therefore, you must instantiate once InterstitialAd by activity (used for display the interstitial). If you want to build an interstitials manager for your app to handle all interstitials requests, you should make sure to instantiate InterstitialAd with the activity that will make the request.


android:noHistory Whether or not the activity should be removed from the activity stack and finished (its finish() method called) when the user navigates away from it and it's no longer visible on screen .

Therefore, do not use

android:noHistory = "true"