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BlueStackSDK v5.0.2 for Android

· Une minute de lecture
Zakir Hossain
Zakir Hossain
BlueStack SDK Team

Bluestack SDK Android [5.0.2] - 2024-12-31


  • App crash for dispatcher cache response missing exception.

  • Initialization flow doesn't fire error callback when both server and cache response are empty or null.

BlueStackSDK v5.0.1 for iOS

· Une minute de lecture
Bishnu Pada Chanda
Bishnu Pada Chanda
BlueStack SDK Team

Bluestack SDK iOS [5.0.1] - 2024-12-31

As part of regular improvements and bug fixes BlueStack-SDK v5.0.1 has been released with the following changes.


  • Not initializing if empty provider list provided

BlueStackSDK v5.0.0 for iOS

· Une minute de lecture
Nagib Bin Azad (Torongo)
Nagib Bin Azad (Torongo)
BlueStack SDK Team

Bluestack SDK iOS [5.0.0] - 2024-12-04

With great pleasure we announce the release of version 5.0.0 of the BlueStack Mobile Ad SDK. Please refer to the new documenation regarding the implementation changes for the updated formats.


  • Added BlueStack class for initializing the SDK.
  • Introduced new BannerView class for showing banner ads.
  • Implemented InterstitialAd class for loading and showing interstitial ads.
  • Added RewardedAd class for displaying rewarded video ads.
  • New RequestOptions class for sending target specific information.
  • Added centralized logger.


  • Interstitial weak reference crash fix.

BlueStackSDK v5.0.0 for Android

· Une minute de lecture
Zakir Hossain
Zakir Hossain
BlueStack SDK Team

Bluestack SDK Android [5.0.0] - 2024-12-05

With great pleasure we announce the release of version 5.0.0 of the BlueStack Mobile Ad SDK. Please refer to the new documenation regarding the implementation changes for the updated formats.


  • Added BlueStack class for initializing the SDK.
  • Introduced new BannerView class for showing banner ads.
  • Implemented InterstitialAd class for loading and showing interstitial ads.
  • Added RewardedAd class for displaying rewarded video ads.
  • New RequestOptions class for sending target specific information.

BlueStackSDK v3.1.8 for Unity

· Une minute de lecture
Moin Uddin Hasan
Moin Uddin Hasan
BlueStack SDK Team

Bluestack SDK - Unity Plugin [3.1.8] 2024-11-07

Bluestack Unity 3.1.8 has been released with the following changes!


  • BlueStackSettings Initialization on AssetPostProcess.

BlueStackSDK v3.1.9 for Unity

· Une minute de lecture
Moin Uddin Hasan
Moin Uddin Hasan
BlueStack SDK Team

Bluestack SDK - Unity Plugin [3.1.9] 2024-11-07

Bluestack Unity 3.1.9 has been released with the following changes!


  • Removed unused namespaces and fixed assembly reference missing issue.

BlueStackSDK v3.1.7 for Unity

· Une minute de lecture
Moin Uddin Hasan
Moin Uddin Hasan
BlueStack SDK Team

Bluestack SDK - Unity Plugin [3.1.7] 2024-10-23

Bluestack Unity 3.1.7 has been released with the following changes!


  • Removed Rewarded namespace
  • Renamed the GetBadge method to GetBadgeText
  • Renamed the GetTitle method to GetTitleText
  • Renamed the RegisterImageGameObject method to RegisterCoverImageGameObject
  • Renamed the RegisterCallToActionGameObject method to RegisterCallToActionTextGameObject


  • Rerestricted interaction with Native ad objects while any overlay view is on top.

BlueStackSDK v4.4.11 for iOS

· Une minute de lecture
Nagib Bin Azad (Torongo)
Nagib Bin Azad (Torongo)
BlueStack SDK Team

Bluestack SDK iOS [4.4.11] - 2024-10-18

As part of regular improvements and bug fixes BlueStack-SDK v4.4.11 has been released with the following changes.


  • User agent crash fix

BlueStack SDK v1.0.1 for React Native

· Une minute de lecture
Moin Uddin Hasan
Moin Uddin Hasan
BlueStack SDK Team

React Native SDK [1.0.1] 2024-09-30

Bluestack React Native SDK 1.0.1 has been released with the following changes!


  • Auto SDK initialization in case the banner load starts before SDK initialization, provided that shouldLoadWhenReady is set to true.


  • Updated the SDK to use the native Android SDK version 4.4.3
  • Updated the SDK to use the native iOS SDK version 4.4.10


  • The issue of Banner load triggering multiple times in case of shouldLoadWhenReady. Now, Performing Banner load after all the BannerAdView props are set.