Seller Reporting API
Quick Reference
All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed via the domain (ask to your Madvertise contact).
Request Format
For POST requests, the request body must be JSON, with the Content-Type header set to application/json.
Response format
The response format for all requests is a JSON object.
Whether a request succeeded is indicated by the HTTP status code. A 2xx status code indicates success, whereas a 4xx status code indicates failure.
POST /auth-reporting : Authentication Service
see auth-reporting section.
POST /seller-reporting : Publisher Reporting Service
Use the token returned by auth-reporting service when making calls to /seller-reporting. You POST the JSON request and get back a report ID.
Metric | Definition |
requests | An attempt to MAS adserver to fill an impression. |
displays | Number of times an ad is served and displayed according Viewbility . |
clicks | Number of times an ad is clicked. |
downloads | Number of conversions from Conversion API or Appsfire [Buyer Integration] |
leads | Number of leads from Conversion API or Appsfire [Buyer Integration] |
landings | Number of landings from Conversion API or Appsfire [Buyer Integration] |
revenueEuro | Revenue generated in €. |
revenueDollar | Revenue generated in $. |
Breakdowns/Dimensions list
Optionally, use one of the following options in the breakdowns param to specify which dimension.
Dimension | Definition |
DAILY | Provides a breakdown by day (can't be combined with HOURLY, RANGE and DAILY) |
HOURLY | Provides a breakdown by hour (can't be combined with MONTHLY, RANGE and DAILY) |
MONTHLY | Provides a breakdown by Month (can't be combined with HOURLY, RANGE and DAILY) |
RANGE | Provides a breakdown according since and until dates (can't be combined with HOURLY, MONTHLY and DAILY) |
ADNETWORK | Provides a breakdown by our core Ad network (mngperf or appsfire) |
ZONE | Provides a breakdown by placement (banner, Interstitial, NativeAd, ...) |
PUBLISHER | Provides a breakdown by Publisher |
SUBPUBLISHERID | Provides a breakdown by Sub Publisher Id for appsfire adnetwork, arg3 parameter on adrequest |
SUBSUBPUBLISHERID | Provides a breakdown by Sub Publisher Id for appsfire adnetwork, arg4 parameter on adrequest |
APPCOUNTY | Provides a breakdown by country (FR, DE or IT), Madvertise manage apps from different countries |
APP | Provides a breakdown by App |
BUNDLEID | Provides a breakdown by packageName for android and bundleId for IOS |
FORMAT | Provides a breakdown by format (interstitial, banner, nativeAd ...) |
COUNTRY | Provides a breakdown by country (FR, US,...) |
REGION | Provides a breakdown by Region (Admin Level 1) |
DEPARTMENT | Provides a breakdown by Department (Admin Level 2) |
CITY | Provides a breakdown by City (Paris, ...) |
POSTALCODE | Provides a breakdown by Postal Code |
OS | Provides a breakdown by mobile OS |
DEVICETYPE | Provides a breakdown by DeviceType (phone or tablet) |
DEVICEBRAND | Provides a breakdown by BrandName (e.g Apple) |
DEVICEMODEL | Provides a breakdown by Model (e.g iPhone 7 Plus) |
CARRIER | Provides a breakdown by Carrier (e.g Orange) Mobile carrier name or Wireless carrier |
BUYERNAME | Provides a breakdown by buyer (Vectaury, Adot, Bidswitch,..) connected to madvertiseSSP |
DEALID | Provides a breakdown by deal connected to madvertiseSSP |
DMP | Provides a breakdown by dmp (Adobe, 1px, ...) connected to madvertiseSSP |
Parameter name | Required? | Format | Definition |
since | Yes | europe/paris unix timestamp | e.g 1417392000 |
until | Yes | europe/paris unix timestamp | e.g 1420070399 |
breakdowns | No | array of string | see breakdowns-list section, e.g breakdowns[0]=HOURLY&breakdowns[1]=ZONE |
publisherId | no | array of publishers IDs | For admin only Filter reporting on specific publishers e.g publisherId[0]=1&publisherId[1]=2 |
subPublisherId | no | array of subpublishers IDs | Filter reporting on specific sub publishers e.g subPublisherId[0]=1 |
subSubPublisherId | no | array of subSubPublisherId IDs | Filter reporting on specific sub publishers e.g subSubPublisherId[0]=1 |
platformId | no | array of platformId | Filter reporting on specific platformId e.g platformId[0]=1 |
appId | no | array of apps IDs | Filter reporting on specific apps e.g appId[0]=1&appId[1]=2 |
s | no | array of placements IDs | Filter reporting on a specific placement e.g s[0]=1&s[1]=2 |
osId | no | Array of mobile OS | Filter reporting on a mobile OS see os-list e.g osId[0]=1&osId[1]=2 |
formatId | no | Array of format | Filter reporting on a specific placement format formats-list e.g formatId[0]=1&formatId[1]=2 |
countryId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific placement country based on geonameid |
regionId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific placement region (admin level 1) based on geonameid |
departmentId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific placement department (admin level 2) based on geonameid |
cityId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific placement city based on geonameid |
postalcode | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific placement postalcode based on geonameid |
adNetworkId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific Ad network |
carrier | no | Array Filter reporting on a specific carrier (free, Orange,...) | |
deviceTypeId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific brandId |
deviceBrandId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific brandId |
deviceModel | no | Array | Filter reporting on a specific model (iPhone X, ...) |
buyerId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a buyer connected to Madvertise SSP |
dealId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a deal created by Madvertise SSP |
dmpId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a dmp created by Madvertise SSP |
dmpSourceId | no | Array | Filter reporting on a dmp (1px, Adobe, ...) created by Madvertise SSP |
"response": {
"status": "OK",
"report_id": "20e5cee104f3ebb0011fbeb8852fafdf9d237113"
$ curl -H 'Authorization: fbe74e915898ee0d560643d0f3dd722eb17bade3' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-X POST "" \
--data 'metrics=requests,displays,clicks,downloads,leads,landings,revenueEuro,eyesTrackings' \
--data 'since=1508485191' \
--data 'until=1508830791' \
--data 'publisherId[0]=5961' \
--data 'breakdowns[1]=PUBLISHER' \
--data 'breakdowns[2]=APP' \
--data 'breakdowns[4]=APPCOUNTRY'
POST /status-reporting : Request the status of a report
Make a POST call with the report ID to retrieve the status of the report. Continue making this call until the status is ready. Then use the /download-reporting end point to save the reporting data to a file. (This is described in the next step.)
$ curl -H 'Authorization: 1be3546f0bed0e3f03b08673d1a635c81fb55bba' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-X POST "" \
--data 'id=7e65da22fca0cad8db34556f11466960b11dba74' \
"response": {
"status": "progress",
"message": "progress",
"report_id": "7e65da22fca0cad8db34556f11466960b11dba74"
POST /download-reporting : Retrieve report data
To download the report data to a file, make another POST call with the report ID. You can find report ID on previous POST response (/status-reporting), **for ready status only. Must be called when /status-reporting returns ready status
$ curl -H 'Authorization: 1be3546f0bed0e3f03b08673d1a635c81fb55bba' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-X POST "" \
--data 'id=7e65da22fca0cad8db34556f11466960b11dba74' > /tmp/seller_stats.csv
"data": [
"country": "France",
"city": null,
"eyesTrackings": 0,
"requests": 0,
"displays": 59,
"platform": "Android",
"zoneHash": "/1085857/banner/af",
"downloads": 0,
"postalcode": null,
"appId": "1085857",
"subpublisherId": null,
"landings": 0,
"deviceType": "phone",
"os": "Android",
"subSubPublisherId": null,
"appName": "FR_Mondadori_PleineVie_App_AndroidTab_Madvertise",
"adminLevel1": null,
"adminLevel2": null,
"format": "banner",
"bundleId": "com.mondadori.pleinevie",
"appOwner": "MBRAND",
"encodedSubpublisherId": null,
"carrier": "orange",
"leads": 0,
"publisher": "Mondadori",
"clicks": 2,
"valueDollar": 0,
"deviceModel": "B3-A20",
"Adnetwork": "appsFire",
"deviceBrand": null,
"revenueEuro": 0
"summary": {
"since": "2017-10-20T09:39:51+0200",
"until": "2017-10-24T09:39:51+0200",
"breakdowns": [
"timezone": "europe/paris"